My Approach to Partnerships

I believe in supporting & spreading awareness about brands that seek to do good and to make a unique and memorable impact--whether it be nontoxic beauty products, organic clothing lines, companies with a social mission, boutique hotels with an eco-conscious bent, tourism boards seeking to elevate a local community, or a restaurant sustainability efforts.

Whether at home or abroad, I’m always in search of the most unique things to do and places to see. As a digital nomad, I’m able to spend extended periods in one place, exploring new locales (or well-worn paths with a new eye!) and partner with tourism boards, hotel groups, local businesses, and more to dive deep into what makes a location so special and worth visiting.

If you’re looking for fresh photographic content for an upcoming campaign, or want to liven up your written copy, I can help. If you’re looking to transform your brand or locale into a wanderlust-worthy, must-visit destination, I can work with you to promote your brand. I also specialize in wellness-themed destinations and trips, with an eye towards holistic health. Interested in partnering on a trip, or looking for some content creation?

If you’re looking for a way to communicate your brand with a fresh and vibrant perspective, or have an upcoming campaign and are looking for unique and engaging content, I can help. I’m always on the lookout for brands that will authentically serve my community and improve their lives and the world--if you think that’s you, get in touch or request my media kit! 

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A trip is not just about the destination, but the place you call home while you’re on the road. From the aesthetic to the experiences and the connection with hosts and staff, I always look for and support properties that put their values first, right next to a unique experience. In a saturated world full of hotels, airbnbs, hostels, luxury villas, and more, let’s work together to elevate your brand and help it stand out from the crowd.

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I may be a nutritionist, but I’m also a foodie! I love highlighting creative chefs and eateries around the world, putting their own twist on their space, their menu, or their diners’ experience. Check out some of my past work here.