Create a Life You Love, & Live a Great Story

travel & lifestyle for wellness-curious wanderlusters




Samantha lodge—Digital nomad,
travel & lifestyle photographer
at your service

I believe travel has the power to transform—we as travelers, and the communities and environments we visit.


I go by many titles—professional traveler, digital nomad, blogger, photographer, dog-lover…

But you can call me Sam.

In 2017, I was stuck at a desk job, dreaming of working remotely so I could travel the world—but I didn’t know where to start, and all my energy was devoted to a body I felt at-war with. I didn’t have the motivation to make my dreams real.

But now? I’m running my dream business from wherever I am in the world, feeling balanced and healthy—and I’m helping you do it, too.

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catch up on your reading below

solo travel in Santorini


Wanderer at heart? Wellness travel junkie? Dreaming of a round-the-world trip? Plotting ways to get dual citizenship? Planning your post-pandemic bucket list? How about a Great American Road Trip?

If you’re looking for insight into the best destinations (I’ve been to 30+ countries and 30+ US States), transformative & conscious travel, stories from around the world to inspire & transport you, and unique stays, then dive in here and start exploring from home.

working poolside in Brisbane, Australia

Digital Nomad Lifestyle.

If you’re a current or aspiring digital nomad who dreams of sipping mai tai’s by the pool while you work on your laptop, or taking surf breaks between client calls in Bali, you’re in the right place. My mission is to help you find work that lights your soul on fire, so you can travel the world and work remotely, making an income while you make an impact — no waiting for “some day.”

You’ll find guides on how to get become a digital nomad, the best digital nomad destinations, the inside scoop on visas, and tips like how to make friends or find the perfect co-working space.

life is too short for boring food


As a holistic hormonal nutritionist & wellness junkie you’ll find resources and insight on everything from PCOS and period problems, to using food as medicine, intuitive eating, meditation and mindfulness, adaptogens and plant medicine, self care, and more.

My approach is all about realistic and holistic wellness — no shame, no diet culture, no BS. There’s something for everyone here!


 How can I help?

Ways to Work With Me

Travel Consulting

Looking to make the most of your vacation time? Ready to book your dream trip? Nervous about travel in this day and age?

Whatever your travel goals are, it’s always a good idea to bring in the professionals.
I’m here to help.

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Photography & Videography Services

Interested in working together on a guest post, speaking engagement, content creation, or collaboration? Get in touch to discuss an aligned partnership.

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Content Creation

Interested in working together on a guest post, speaking engagement, content creation, or collaboration? Get in touch to discuss an aligned partnership.

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My Mantra

I believe in laughing until you cry and smiling so much your face hurts.
In deep sighs of satisfaction that reach down to your toes. In booking the ticket, taking the impromptu flight to Paris, and eating the pastry.
I believe that good food and good company are acts of self care, and that long journeys in the window seat cleanse the soul. That it’s better to invest in transformation experiences and memories over things.

I believe that basic is boring, weird is a compliment, and playing it safe is more dangerous than taking the risk. I believe that life is short, and fleeting, and fragile, and that it should be lived so beautifully, so boldly, and so fully, you could die tomorrow knowing you had lived not only the depth, but the width of it as well.

I believe that food is medicine, that everyone—particularly womxn, trans, BIPOC, and non-binary folx—deserves to feel safe & at home in their body.
I believe healthy doesn’t have to mean restrictive or boring, that all foods fit in a healthy diet, and that we have tastebuds for a reason. I believe that our bodies are powerful, that menstrual cycles are f*king normal, and that shame & guilt have no place here. I believe that balancing your hormones and understanding your innate rhythms is the key to unlocking your limitless potential. I believe that our bodies are always seeking balance, and that symptoms are their way of telling us what’s wrong.

I believe that we must spend our days doing work we love if we can, and infusing joy into the everyday. That joy is medicine for the soul, and can be found in the tiniest nooks and crannies of the unlikeliest places, if we only look for it. I believe that connection is the heart of humanity, and travel should be a powerful force to transform both the visitor and the visited, for the better. I believe in doing work that lights your soul on fire so you never have to live for “some day.”

And I believe in the magic that brought you and me here, in this moment in time and space, on this tiny rock orbiting a star, whose dust is in our bones. Most of all, because of all this, I believe that we should all be enthusiasts in life.

This is what it means to be well and wander.

Coming Soon:

The Ultimate Guide to Cycle Syncing

How Your Cycle Rules Your Work, Wellbeing, Relationships (and Everything in Between).


💌 Let’s be pen pals 💌


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