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Work With Me


Your body is always seeking balance, which means your symptoms are your body’s only way of telling you what’s wrong.

The only problem? No one ever taught you how to speak your body’s language.

Good news: you’ve found your interpreter

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The Holistic PCOS Program

The complete 90-day system to understand & manage your
PCOS naturally, for life

Based on the leading PCOS research & years of hands-on experience, this program combines video modules and powerful coaching to teach you how to use food, movement, supplements, and self care to keep symptoms in check.
All approaches welcome!

Learn More

Harness Your Hormones Course

Harness Your Hormones Course

Coming Soon

This course will teach you everything you ever wanted or needed to know about balancing your hormones and tapping into your innate biological superpowers. We’ll cover all the stuff they should have taught us about our bodies, but never did. Get ready to bust the myth that having a cycle has to be unpleasant.

Life. Changing. Stuff.

Get on the waitlist

Private Health and Nutrition Coaching

Private Nutrition

+ Health Coaching

Packages Start at $85 per Session

If you want to know exactly what foods are right for you and your body, or you’re craving a bit of support and accountability when it comes to food, movement, and lifestyle changes, book a call and let’s chat about what would be best for you.

Book a Consultation


Curious about collaborations or speaking opportunities?
Send me a message with your projects or thoughts and we’ll get cookin’!


Straight From the Client’s Mouth


I feel so empowered. I have learned how to feed my body what it needs, move it in a way that doesn’t stress it out, and care for it truly and without shame.

I always thought changing my diet would be so impossible but it’s actually very empowering to choose what I put into my body to care for it. My relationship with my body has shifted into such a positive light. Yes, sometimes I still get frustrated, but Sam helped me release that perfectionism and all-or-nothing thinking.

I know that I have the tools I need in order to take care of myself best and I’m so proud of myself for it.”

- Lindsay D.


 Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not in the US.
Can I still work with you?

Absolutely! I’ve worked with women from around the world—from Australia to Dubai, Peru to Canada, and everywhere in between.

Who is private coaching for?

Private coaching is best for people who like a hands-on approach, who crave accountability, and/or who are experiencing confusing symptoms that they can’t quite pinpoint.

I don’t know which option is right for me. How do I decide?

I get it! It can be overwhelming to know where to start. Shoot me a message and we’ll set up a time to help you figure out what’s right for you.

How does private coaching work?

We’ll set up a “coffee date” call to make sure we’re a good fit and see if you can benefit from hormonal nutritional therapy. From there, you can pick a package that works for you and we’ll set up your intake session + forms!

Who is Harness Your Hormones for?

If you’re feeling out of balance — unexplained fatigue, stubborn weight gain, irregular or painful cycles, acne, PMS, etc — then this is the perfect starting point to take control of your health.

I have a question that wasn’t answered here.

Good news is, my door is always open! Just shoot me message, and I’ll get back to you with an answer ASAP.


Get the complete guide to cycle syncing & hormone balance here

If you know your hormones are out of whack, and you want to learn how to align with your cycle and tap into your biological superpowers, start here.


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